Divisional Officers Dinner
The Annual Divisional Officers dinner, was held on Friday 19th May, at Ormskirk Masonic Hall. All the Current and Incoming Divisional Team, are entitled to attend this growing event and I would encourage all Divisional Officers to do so and enjoy the fun and fellowship, at the dinner.
Gary, the Chef at Ormskirk Masonic Hall, produced a fabulous four course meal, which included Garlic Mushroom on a toasted Brioche, Braised steak on a bed of Colcannon and assorted vegetables. The Creme Brule’ was followed by Coffee and mints. All the clean plates were a testament to the excellent quality of the food.
Just as excellent, was the company present at the dinner. It was full of fun and banter. The Deputy Intendent General, Ill. Knight Fred Hargreaves, more formally moved on to notices and the future direction of the Order, in respect of Promotions and Acting ranks within the Division.
It was a very informative talk and led to much agreement and contentment amongst those present, that the Order was in good hands and we all look forward to the future, with excitement and enthusiasm.
Iain Brown
Divisional Eusebius 2016-17 and proud of it!